
The Winner of the Gro Baby Diaper set!!

Congrats to Joy who won the Gro-baby shell set! She was the 54th person to enter a comment!! Please respond to your email or a new winner will be chosen on monday morning!!

FuzziBunz Perfect Size Cloth Diaper Giveaway! @ Well Born Baby

Check out well born baby's  fuzzibunz giveaway!! Don't miss out on a great giveaway!!

Momccupation Vacation - Sorry for the lack of posts

The Beach!!
Where have I been? I have been on vacation this week!! San Diego is hot but beautiful. I love coming to San Diego...Why because it really is home to me. I am a Native San Diegan who moved to Las Vegas, NV for a teaching position. SO I go back every chance I can get, maybe i should write a series on the best places to go in San Diego and the great deals and places to go.
Mommy's Birthday Dinner

I wish daddy could take some time off and have been here with us.

The fantastic part of our vacation is that is is a staycation with Grandpa and Grandma, and boy do i love the help.

 Off to the San Diego Zoo tomorrow!!

The Sunday Rant: Watch your kids at the park...

I was at the park this morning with all the kiddos and you all know how crazy it can get at the park on a nice day.  When you go to the park you expect some craziness but parents also should be watching their kids. It is especially annoying when daycare centers take their kids to the park and let the kids run rampant all over the little ones and never say a word. I just want them to watch the kids they are in charge of. My poor kiddos always get runover, pushed shoved or something on those days.

I also hate the mom's who think nothing of their child pushing, shoving or yanking out a handful of hair. I mean this literally. One mom once said  "oh, he's just trying to be nice, he's not hitting too hard.". Huh, what do you mean, my kid was lying falt out on the carpet with a good goose egg on the back of his head. Not to quick on the uptake there lady. So here i go being with my teacher voice telling him, no hitting, or don't touch other kids, or that's not nice we don't hit/push/etc. So parents watch your own kids so others can relax and have a nice time at the park, library or any activity! That's my rant for the day...Go ahead and share yours!