
Breastfeeding Statistics, Who's doing it?

Did you know the CDC collects breastfeeding data?

Here is a chart of who is doing it.

Percentage of Children Who Are Breastfed at 6 Months of Age, Among Children Born in 2007 (Provisional)

The Numbers from Kellymom.com
This is a great link with some awesome info on breastfeeding.

The Surgeon General's Goal for Healthy People 2010 is that:

75% of women breastfeed their infants at hospital discharge,

50% breastfeed their infants at 6 months of age, and

25% breastfeed their infants at 12 months (1 year) of age.

40% exclusively breastfeed their infants at 3 months of age

17% exclusively breastfeed their infants at 6 months of age

Taken from WHO or the World Health Organization :
Did you know?
Globally less than 40% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed. That is scary if you ask me. There needs to be a lot more info on the subject, especially in third world countries and poverty ridden place in the world. Although, in many places it's the ones whjo have the time and education to breastfeed do not.
Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival.
A lack of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life contributes to over a million avoidable child deaths each year.

Adequate breastfeeding support for mothers and families could save many young lives.
WHO actively promotes breastfeeding as the best source of nourishment for infants and young children. This fact file explores the many benefits of the practice, and how robust help for mothers can increase breastfeeding worldwide.

Hope you learned something,

Don't give up!! Use your Boobs Facts

Did you know???
Here are just a few of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers:

Nurse as soon as you can:
Babies have a period of alertness during the first hour after birth, and display a strong sucking reflex that is not as strong again until approximately 40 hours later.  Nursing soon after birth with help your uterus contract by stimulating the release of oxytocin.

Recent studies show that babies who are exclusively breastfed for 6 months are less likely to develop ear infections, diarrhea, and respiratory illnesses. They may also be less likely to develop childhood obesity.
Breastfeeding delays the return of menstrual periods and may aid in spacing pregnancies.
            - This is not a birth control method- Many women have gotten pregnant very soon after giving birth. Use Birth  Control!
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancers.
       - It's good for you too Mom!!

Breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child.
        - Doesn't it feel good, even though Daddy can feel a little left out, we need to bond!

Breastfeeding mothers have increased self-esteem.
Benefits of breastfeeding for families and society:

Breastfeeding saves the family budget hundreds of dollars.
          - So much money saved! Yeay, I love it! 
Breastfeeding saves on health care costs.

So Breastfeeding is good for you and the baby. Don't give up, If you want to quit talk to other Mom's and get some much needed encouragement. It is hard and first but so easy in the end!

Wear red today!!! Show Support for Women's Heart Disease

Feb. 4 is National Wear Red Day, when you can wear red to show your support for women's heart disease awareness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Almost 700,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. That is about 29% of all U.S. deaths. In honor of this day, we have 100 nifty ways to honor red.

Chewbeads Necklace and Kai's Cookie Giveaway ends Feb 22nd *CLOSED

ChewBeads are so awesome! I received a very bright pink set to try out from ChewBeads. My 11 month old son loves these. They are just the right texture and feel. He grabs them from me and chews right away. Now, I have something I can actually wear and let him chew on without worring!
He would not let them go while I changed his diaper!
 Nico loves the nice soft but firm chewiness of the beads! They are great, I wear them whenever I can.
I love to use these while nursing! He loves to play with them while he nurses! It's the prefect thing for the "Use your Boobs" week!

About ChewBeads:

The idea for Chewbeads began in 2009 shortly after the birth of my son. Like most babies, he loved to put everything in his mouth and my necklaces were a favorite. Like most moms, I didn't feel comfortable letting him chew on them, with concern that they might break or have unwanted chemicals. As a veteran of the fashion industry, I had an amazing collection of necklaces and bracelets, so with those as my inspiration, I set out to create soft, non-toxic jewelry, which was colorful, chic and, above all else safe. Hence, Chewbeads!
safety features

Beads are made with 100% silicone (similar to pacifiers & nipples)

Soft on babies gums and emerging teeth

Easily cleaned with dish soap & water, also dishwasher safe!

No BPA, PVC, Phthalates, Cadmium, or Lead

Necklaces have a breakaway clasp for added safety

Necklaces are a great sensory tool to help your baby focus while nursing

Bracelets are a colorful reminder of which side you've just nursed

  • no BPA, PVC, phthalates, lead, cadmium, or heavy metals
  • no detachable parts*
  • breakaway clasp for added safety
  • chewbeads, are intended to be worn by adults, are not a toy and are not
  • intended to be worn by children

Chewbeads have been thoroughly tested by Specialized Technology Resources, Inc. (www.strquality.com) to assure that they will not break apart or detach in a baby's mouth, & that they are non-toxic, however, with all jewelry, chewbeads should not be left with any baby unattended

Want to buy them?
ChewBeads sell for $29.50

 How can you win your own?

How to enter: (Please include your email address so I can contact you when you win!) You will have 48 hours to respond to the email before I choose another winner!!

Mandatory Entry:
You must do BOTH mandatory entries before completing ANY of the Extra Entries!

-You MUST follow Momccupation via Google Friend Connect (GFC)! and
-Follow Chewbeads on Facebook! Let them know i sent you if you like!!
-Follow  Kai's Kookie Shop on Facebook.
Please leave ONE comment with both mandatory entries and your email address.

Extra Entries:

Go to their site and  tell me your favorite color!!! 1 entry

Facebook:1 entry each
- Follow Momccupation on Facebook.

-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook.

One comment each listed below!!

Vote for me: one entry for each vote!
Just click and vote!

Vote For Use @ Top Mommy Blogs

The Top 100 Mommy Blogs

 Grab my button and put it on your blog!! Leave a link to it! 2 entries

The Momccupation

-Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to it! 2 entries

Use my "USE YOUR BOOBS" button and get 2 more!!

The Momccupation

- Follow me on twitter and leave your Twitter ID. One entry for each!


- Subscribe to my emails (left side of blog) (2 entries)

- Tweet up to 2x per day: (1 entry per tweet)

{ @momccupation is having an ChewBeads Necklace #giveaway!! Come check it out and enter to #WIN 
http://bit.ly/hc6vWP  PLS RT}

This giveaway is open from Jan 3rd 12:01am PST- Feb 22nd 11:59pm PST

Happy winning!!

***Open to US and Canada  residents only. This giveaway will end on February 22, 2011 at 11:59 PST. Random.org will be used to determine the winner who will have 48 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen. Good Luck!***


Andriana's Breastfeeding Story

By Andriana spence
 Check out Andriana's website: hankandjojo.com and twitter @hankandjojo

I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding since 2007. While it has been amazing and I wouldn’t give any of that up in a million years (I’ll wax poetic a little later about that), I have to admit I am ready to have my body back to myself. Four years is a looooong time, and really, I’d just like to be able to take cold medicine again! Or Tylenol PM maybe so I can sleep through the night? Yes, that would be awesome.

It all began very naturally for me. I planned to breastfeed, but really did zero research and had close to zero conversations with anyone about it. An hour after my first daughter was born, my sister asked me, have you tried to nurse yet? I said, no, and then did. Somehow, instinctively, my baby showed me the way. She latched right on and nursed from that point straight to her first birthday. One whole month after her birthday party, we were surprised and blessed with getting pregnant with baby number two. Once baby two was born, again I nursed her as soon as possible after her birth and she is still nursing to this day.

Ladies, I’m not gonna’ lie. It is a lot of work. It is probably the biggest commitment you can make to yourself and to your child. But, really, it is the most magical experience. While you may sometimes feel overwhelmed because you are the only person responsible for feeding your baby, you will also feel so lucky that you are the only person who can feed your baby. You are solely responsible for giving this baby life and power, strength and health. I’ve been doubled over with a stomach virus and nursed through it, and magically baby doesn’t get sick. If you’re stuck on a bus for hours in traffic and didn’t bring all your supplies, you have all the food you need for her right there. In the middle of the night you can just hold your baby and rest as she nurses instead of walking to the kitchen to fix a bottle. With my second baby, feeding her away from the chaos of my family life became the most amazing and much needed “alone” time for me. I could check my emails, read the news on my phone, write a blog entry, nap…

I know, because I have sisters and friends close to me who have each had different experiences that not everyone has as easy of a time with breastfeeding. Supply, pain, work, illness, a baby in the NICU, can all get in the way of your success and confidence. I truly believe there should never be any pressure to breastfeed, or for any specific duration, because each mother’s life circumstance is completely different. For one, there is zero support for breastfeeding mothers in the workforce. I don’t want to get too political here, but six weeks maternity leave is barely enough time to establish a routine and supply, much less the ability to pump every two hours at work* on no sleep (*public restroom, fitting room, janitor’s closet, cubicle, break room). If America really wants women to breastfeed, especially the lower income bracket, which they are clearly targeting via all the State sponsored television ads of late. Provide mothers with government mandated and supported leave. More than just the six weeks that our insurance companies allot for our vagina’s to heal. (For those of us who are lucky enough to be insured, that is.) That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Breastfeeding is magnificent. It is pure happiness on the faces of your children. It is health. It is love. If you can do it, you should do it. If you tried and couldn’t keep it up, don’t beat yourself up about it. When I got pregnant with my first daughter, my mother unknowingly gave me the greatest gift she ever could have. She gave me the calendar she kept during the time that she breastfed me. Days upon days of the minutes and hours she fed me catalogued, along with any especially interesting poops or milestones of the day, showed me that what I was about to do was not going to be easy. It was more likely going to be the hardest work I will ever do. But clearly, by what my mother had transcribed, it was to be the most rewarding and love-filled work I will ever do. And it has been. 100%.

Thanks so much for sharing and I hope these stories are helping you as much as they are me!

My Brest friend Breast-feeding Review and Package giveaway!! Closed

Our First feature is My Brest Friend!!!

My Brest Friend

When you think nursing pillows many think of the Boppy pillow,  but if you have never heard of the My Brest Friend you will be amazed!! If you are a new or soon to be mommy you will want this prize package!! Everything you will need to breast feed at home or on the go! Also, nutritional support from the vitamins you need as well.

The Original Pillow
      I love love love this nursing pillow! It is so easy to use and when I had my son, and he was in the NICU, this was what I brought with me. When I called saw my Doctor i the hospital, I mentioned I was having trouble nursing he had a lactation consultant on staff. So he called her and she ...called me later that day! Rose Marie was awesome. She had my hubby pick the My Brest Friend pillow up from their office to borrow for as long as I needed and then had the Lactation specialist at the hospital help me till Nico was discharged. It literally saved me. My back was killing, the boppy sagged in the middle and kept slipping all over the place. If you know newborns they have no muscle control and can't help with the nursing till much later in life.

      I had a lot of trouble feeding Nico but with this product (not the pretty one I received from My Brest Friend) I found positioning him much easier. It has small bumps in the pillow for the infants head and is much firmer then most. It wraps around, and you strap yourself in. No sliding pillows anymore. It supports you back and helps your posture for breastfeeding.  I really can't say enough good things about it! If you are nursing, or will be soon get one of these or...WIN ONE HERE!!

The Pillow sells @ Babies r us for $39.99

Me feeding Nico, who is huge now! He is 10 months old now!!

From the My Brest Friend website:
My Brest Friend was developed in a laboratory of new moms, babies, and breastfeeding experts who set out to create a pillow whose sole purpose was to answer all the needs of breastfeeding moms and babies. 50 prototypes and a global patent later, the pillow is loaded with features moms love:

•Wrap around design secures to the body helping mom and baby maintain positioning and latch-on

•Back rest helps you maintain good posture during feeding and prevents sore back and neck

•Firm, flat cushion keeps baby from rolling

•Adjustable, silent-release strap fits Moms or Dads comfortably and unlatches without waking baby

•Arm and elbow rests eliminate shoulder stress

•Convenient pocket keeps water bottles, burp cloths, phone, and other items within reach

Adjustable Nursing stool
$24.99 in stores

         The stool is a great thing to have when nursing it helps position the baby and also helps with back pain. I really liked the stool and so do my twins who are 3, they use it to sit on, to wash their hands, to reach things they are not supposed, and much more. It is really easy to adjust and use. I like it with my glider at night as well!

From the website:

My Brest Friend’s nursing stool can help a breastfeeding mother minimize lower back, shoulder, neck, and wrist pain by helping her to maintain a supportive, comfortable position throughout the feed.

•Adjustable to different angles for optimum nursing support

•Provides comfortable positioning for breastfeeding

•Alleviates stress on you back, shoulders and neck

•Becomes a step stool after nursing

•To use adjust the stool to the desired angle and turn knobs securely into place.

Nursing Cover

This is great for those of us who are not pro's or a little shy of whipping them out in public. I love mine and use it all the time. It is easy and expect for the fact that Nico likes to look when eating now it works great. I just tuck in the ends under my arm and I can walk and breastfeed if necessary as well. I also use it with my Ergo. I nurse in the Ergo and cover up with the cover! I love it and I just shove it in my Diaper bag and run. I never have to worry about the blanket falling or any of that.

The easy view design lets moms easily check on their nursing babies while staying completely covered. Other features include:

•Private easy view design

•Adjustable for all sizes

•Breathable 100% cotton

•Convenient pocket

•Great with My Brest Friend nursing pillow


Here are the supplements that My Brest friend is offering as well. These are brand new!! I really like them. They have some great  lactation herbs them.

Breastfeeding Essentials Contains 28 essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs to help breastfeeding mothers maintain overall good health.  Breastfeeding Essentials provides the added dietary intake of critically important, optimum nutrients and health for both the nursing mother and her baby.
  • Contains the highest quality folate and chelated minerals available to ensure the greatest absorption of nutrients.
  • Over 100% daily value of vitamin B6, B12, C, D3,E, riboflavin, thiamine, and pantothenic acid to help you meet the increased nutrient demands of lactation, enhance energy, maintain antioxidant defenses, and support overall well-being.
Fenugreek The most popular herbal remedy that has been used by millions of women around the world for increasing milk production.
  • Research suggests that diosgenin, a natural compound found in the Fenugreek seed, may be responsible for stimulating milk production by up to 40%.
  • An increase in milk supply is generally noticed with 1 to 3 days after supplementation.
Omega- 3 Lemon Fish Oil Loaded with DHA and Omega-3 fatty acids which supports heart, lung, joint, skin, brain and nerve functions.  They are especially crucial for development of proper neurological and visual functions in infants.
  • Potent 50% EPA/DHA content: the concentrated amount of Omega-3 fatty acids is well above the EPA/DHA found in other brands.
  • Molecular distillation and advanced filtration processes remove heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cholesterol, PCB’s, pesticides and other impurities often found in fish.

10  chocolate chip or 10  pumpkin seed oatmeal cookies, your choice of flavor!!
Sounds good to me!!

How can you win??

My Brest Friend is giving one lucky Momccupation reader the whole set to get you started!! Over $150 worth of stuff, a whole nursing set up!!!
How to enter: (Please include your email address so I can contact you when you win!) You will have 48 hours to respond to the email before I choose another winner!!

Mandatory Entry:
You must do BOTH mandatory entries before completing ANY of the Extra Entries!

-You MUST follow Momccupation via Google Friend Connect (GFC)! and
-Follow My Brest Friend on Facebook! Let them know i sent you if you like!!
-Follow  Kai's Kookie Shop on Facebook. (from 2/1 on)

Please leave ONE comment with both mandatory entries and your email address.

Extra Entries:

My Brest Friend
Go to their site and  tell me your favorite Item or print!!! 1 entry

Facebook:1 entry each
- Follow Momccupation on Facebook.

-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook.

One comment each listed below!!

Vote for me: one entry for each vote!
Just click and vote!

Vote For Use @ Top Mommy Blogs

The Top 100 Mommy Blogs

 Grab my button and put it on your blog!! Leave a link to it! 2 entries

The Momccupation

-Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to it! 2 entries

Use my "USE YOUR BOOBS" button and get 2 more!!

The Momccupation

- Follow me on twitter and leave your Twitter ID. One entry for each!


- Subscribe to my emails (left side of blog) (2 entries)

- Tweet up to 2x per day: (1 entry per tweet)

{ @momccupation is having an My Brest Friend #giveaway!! Come check it out and enter to #WIN 
http://bit.ly/ia06Wh  PLS RT}

This giveaway is open from Jan 31st 12:01am PST- Feb 14th 11:59pm PST

Happy winning!!

***Open to US and Canada  residents only. This giveaway will end on February 14, 2011 at 11:59 PST. Random.org will be used to determine the winner who will have 48 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen. Good Luck!***

My Breast feeding Adventures By One Nutty Mama, Kim B


I am a stay at home mom in Las Vegas to 4 kids. I was trained in Culinary Arts as a Chef, but found that I yearned to experience more of motherhood. We love to cook and craft together as a family. I have always loved to review products and books to share my experience with friends. (especially the products I can't live without) My blog is all about Cooking recipes, cleaning tips, kid crafts, reviews, and insights into my nutty journey through motherhood.

Blog Address: http://onenuttymama.blogspot.com/

My Breast Feeding Adventures

The Initial Journey

My breast feeding journey started many years ago with the birth of my oldest child, Lauryn. I tried to breast feed as soon as she was placed in my arms hours after her delivery. (she was born sleeping due to the pain medication.) She was just so tired and refused to nurse. All my sweet little girl wanted to do is sleep. I tried to feed her every hour and kept trying to no avail. Over 12 hours go by and she still had no interest in eating. With shift change this very gruff nurse came in and told me I was starving my baby and she would die if I didn't feed her. I instantly felt like a failure. What was wrong with me that my child didn't want my milk?

My husband came back from eating his lunch to find me crying. As he held me I sobbed out what the nurse had said to me. He stormed to the nurses station and demanded to see the charge nurse. This kindly older lady calmly listened to him explain. Before he could finish she rushed to my room to reassure me that I was not starving my baby. Our baby girl had just been through the biggest ordeal of her little life and was just tired. After shedding a tear with me and many warms hugs later, she had reassured me that my baby would eat when ready and to just keep trying. The horrible nurse from earlier got sent home on suspension and permanently removed from the maternity ward rotation. Just eight hours later my little girl was nursing like a champion.

For nine wonderful weeks she thrived on my milk, but I had developed this nagging back pain. At first I thought it was just pain from the epidural, but it kept getting worse. After being convinced to finally see a Doctor, I was laying there on the exam table when the Doctor suddenly stops and tells me to get to the hospital right now. He then informs me that he believes my appendix may rupture. After 9 long tear-filled hours in the hospital, I find out that it was just a severe kidney infection. The good news is there was no need for surgery, but the bad news was that the medicine to make me better would contaminate my breast milk. It was the end of breast feeding for us. I felt betrayed by my body.

The Undermining

When my second daughter, Morgan, was born I was determined to breast feed again. She caught on to nursing within the first hour after being born. It wasn't until she was 5 months old and my parents came for a visit that we ran into trouble. All my mom could talk about was how skinny my daughter was. I was stunned to hear this because it hadn't been hinted at during a single one of my WIC appointments. While they were in town my mom bought formula and fed my daughter a bottle behind my back. That was all it took for my daughter to turn away from the breast. After they left she would just scream and cry when I tried to breast feed her. There was no nipple confusion, it was a full blown refusal of the breast. I tried pumping and could not pump enough to feed her. The milk was there, but I couldn't get the pump to work for me. She began to lose weight and I was advised by WIC to switch her to formula. My heart broke hearing that it was over again and much sooner than I had hoped.

The Teeth

With my third child, Nadia, I was blessed to be pregnant at the same time as my little sister. We were each others support system. We would get together weekly and suggest different latching positions to each other. Laying on my bed nursing my child as my little sister did the same with her son was the best bonding experience not only with my child but with my sister as well. She was there to remind me to drink more water and I was there to reassure her that the marathon feedings don't last forever. As well as all the times we ending up boosting each other with some much needed laughter.

Nadia had nursed within minutes of being born even though nurses scoffed at me for trying. (she only stayed on for a minute or two but it was enough to bolster my confidence) Seven wonderful months went by. Then the teeth came and she loved to put them to the test. Unfortunately it was my tender flesh she loved to test them on. After she repeatedly drew blood with her new chompers I began to dread feeding my child. I didn't want to look at her innocent little face with dread and anxiety. After a long tearful discussion with not only my husband but my very supportive little sister we made the decision to switch to formula. I was left disappointed in myself again. I took it as a personal failure.

Still going Strong

While pregnant with my 4th child, Maxx, I joined a due date group on a mothering website. This time I was even more determined to breast feed for the full first year. I researched the different boobie traps I had fallen into with my last children and was driven not to fall short of my goal this time. Before having him I found a hospital that refuses to separate the child from it's mother unless it is a medical emergency. I asked my husband to be my water pusher. (If I was nursing he needed to be forcing another glass of water at me to drink with the reminder that water makes milk)

Within minutes of being born Maxx was nursing, the attending nurse almost applauded at our success. It wasn't all rose petals and kittens though. Maxx was very eager to latch, a little too eager though. He was latching incorrectly. With the support of my mother's group I reassured myself that he was trying to learn and to keep trying. Then when I began to doubt my supply I again took the advice of those wonderful ladies and set us up on a breast-cation. My very supportive husband stepped up to handle the house making the breast-cation possible.(not an easy feat with 3 older kids) I stayed in bed with my newborn son skin to skin doing nothing but focusing on us and perfecting our nursing. All it took was a weekend in bed to turn things around. The cracked nipples healed because they were getting enough air and Maxx was a professional at latching on.

When I saw that first tooth bud poking through the skin. I cried thinking of the past pain. Then I got a valuable tip from my on-line friends; when my son bites to tell him, "No bite!" in a firm tone and to end the breast feeding session. It is also better if you set them down away from you as well. He cried down the moon the first time I tried this. I wanted to cry along with him, but I stuck to my guns. An hour later I tried feeding him again and I didn't even feel a hint of his teeth.

Maxx and I are now at just 2 weeks short of 11 months breastfeeding. He is a professional at latching on correctly and easily. He will nurse happily from any position including while in a baby carrier. We overcame cracked nipples, fore-milk/hind-milk imbalance, nursing marathons, low supply, and teeth. I look back and even with all the various setbacks over my four very different experiences it has still been the most rewarding adventure I have ever been blessed to experience.

The best lesson I took from my breast feeding journey is:

Surround yourself with supportive people. It doesn't have to be your spouse or family at all, it can be an on-line group of women or even a professional lactation consultant. Don't suffer in silence. Ask questions, because there is someone out there that has the answer. They say it takes a village to raise a child. What they really mean is it takes a supportive village. Surround yourself with the right kind of village and be that village for someone else in return.

Thanks so much for the guest post and please check out her blog!! Great story!

Use your Boobs! Lacta Drops Recipe

By ShannonD

Shannon posted this on facebook and I had to share, this was one of the few I could find. Other places like Milkmakers.com cost a pretty penny! Thanks, Shannon

4tbs Margarine (Earth balance or Becel Vegan or Becel olive oil is best options)

1Tbs oil (light olive oil, hazelnut oil, coconut oil, etc. -your choice)

1/4c brown sugar

1/4c white sugar

1 large egg lightly beaten

1 Tbs milk substitute such as almond milk, hemp milk, oat milk, - this is optional for a slightly softer cookie

1/2 c flour

1/2tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/8tsp of ground cloves-optional

1C Rolled oats

1/2C Steel cut oats

1/2C Trail mix or granola of your choice

2 generous Tbs *Hemp hearts/seeds (shelled) or flax

2-3 Tbs Brewers Yeast

1.Lightly Grease cookie Sheet, set oven at 350C

2.Cream the margarine and sugar in large mixing brown until light and fluffy.

3. Gradually add beaten egg, beating well (or mixing on high) after each addition.

Add the Oil, Mix. Add the Milk substitute if you choose,Mix.

4.Add the flour salt brewers yeast and baking powder in to the creamed mixture. Mix together gently. Add the Rolled oats, Mix. Add the steal cut oats and trail mix/granola. Mix together thoroughly. Batter will be thick.

5.Spoon them on to the cookie sheets. (Makes about a dozen).

6.Bake at 350C for 14-15min

7. Let cookies cool slightly before removing or they will break :)

8.Store in air-tight container.


I subbed hemp hearts/seeds in place of flax because it contains the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of both the required essential fatty acids 3 and 6. Also Flax is not supposed to be heated over 120F because it releases free radicals. Hemp also provides protein.

I added trail mix for the extra fats and proteins from the nuts, and its a nice taste with some dried fruits and chocolate chips that many mixes contain (dark chocolate is best).

I Added in Steel cut... well you know why :) Enjoy

Hope you try this recipe out, Hemp seeds can be found at Trader Joes or Whole foods and other organic markets.

Have you found something for your Valentine yet?

This is a G rated post with links to a adult site, careful with the links!!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

If you haven't checked out EdenFantasys.com yet then you are missing out. Since it is Use your Boobs week here on my blog, I thought hey...Use your boobs and find something cute for yourself, youdeserve it and your hubby will love you for it!

There are so many cute things for you!
I thought this was a cute one!!

There are also candles, massage oils, and more, games, how to books. You name it they have got it so check them out and see what you think!! They also have great reviews on most of their products, to help make your decision easier.

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store


Winner of the Edenfantasys.com Gift Certificate!!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Get a free baby sling form Seven Slings!!

Special Valentines Offer For BabiesOnline.com Members!

Free Baby Carriers!

Use Promo Code "Love" Today

It's as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Go to SevenSlings.com.

2. Click on "Shop Now" and select any baby carrier you like. Be sure to go to the sizing page to get the correct size.

3. Once you have selected your size, you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag. Enter the promo code "LOVE" and we'll deduct 100% of the cost of the carrier - all you pay are the shipping fees!

Remember: the promo code is "LOVE" and you can use it more than once - just open a new browser window each time you do.

These Baby Carries make great holiday gifts.

Selections dwindle quickly, so get your today!

If you can't see the links above, click here or copy this to your browser:


Check it out and see what you thing, Be sure to measure because they fit to the measured size!!

Monday Blog Hop

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Hope you like my blog and check out the Breast feeding week here !!!
Please share my button for this week on your blog!!

The Momccupation