
My baby had solid food for the first time today!

Ok, So i meant to post this 2 days ago but...time and babies got the best of me. I can't believe my little man is starting rice cereal. Where did the time go?? He's only 5 months old but he has been watching me eat like a hawk and opening the little bird mouth,lol. So I knew it was time. He did so good!! So from this I will be starting a series on making your own baby food !! I did it with the twins and it saved me so much money!! AS well as being better for them and tastier!! I mean who wants to eat peas that are olive green or peas that are bright green and smell so good!!! SO starting next week, baby food from the begining. What to start with, which sites have good info and where to go from there. Also what i use to make it and why it's so easy and better for your baby!!

It's Friday! Let's talk favorite websites...

I love the deal a day sites... So lets start there.

 Baby Steals 

Baby Half Off

Mama Bargains

Olivia Place

Woot - kids woot, sellout woot  all good

These are my favorite and yes there are tons more!!!

I love Diaper Swappers
 A great site for cloth diaper info and even more!!

What are yours???
Leave a comment and link!! Can't wait to hear from you!!

It's Cleaning Day!

Well, it is a crazy Thursday today... I have to get some cleaning done. My house is a mess. With  twins and a 5 month old who is nursing you can see how hard it can be to get anything done, let alone get your house clean and by bed time I am too tired to clean. So what you ask do i use to make my cleaning easier??

I have a Roomba- a small robotic vacuum that i set in each room through out the day to get all the stuff off the best under things i don't want to move.. beds, couch, chairs. So, you want to know how well it works? It works awesome! I love it, I usually set roomba to run when i leave to get all the dog hair, left over crumbs, and dirt off my bamboo floors. It works great on carpet too! Before you look up roomba know they are expensive...but my hubby got me one as a gift off It's a deal a day site with phenomenal deals for all sorts of stuff!

Ok, back to cleaning.. I am pretty green in my house...Why? Because i am cheap sctatch that, thrifty.
My favorite things to use cleaning are castile soap in a spray bottle diluted, Vinegar and water, and my steam mop!! I love the steam mop, it is fast and easy.. I can clean 900 square feet of bamboo floors in no time. Yes, i do get down every other week and get on my hands and knees to clean really well, but for the most part i can steam mop 2 or 3 times a week and keep the house clean.

Well, i'm off and running with my little helpers at my toes! What do you use to clean that's green?

Parents Magazine for $3.73 per year

Today only (August 4, 2010), you can subscribe to Parents magazine for only $3.73 per year. Just click on the Deal of the Day offer on the homepage of Best Deal Magazines and then use coupon code PXCJ88 to get an additional 15% off the price, making it only $3.73 per year.

They also have Budget Travel, Family Fun and many other magazines priced at only $4.69 per year. Use coupon code PXCJ88 to get an additional 15% off the price of the subscription.

Nice deal on a really good magazine!

The Gro-Baby Review and Give Away *ends Friday the 27th*

Giveaway Closed!!
Here is my little Nico in his Gro-Baby All in 2 Blue Bird Diaper. This will be my first review and Giveaway!! I am so excited to be able to do this!! I have been cloth diapering for about 4 months, I started in Gro-baby diapers with Nico @ 1 Month old. I have since branched off into other diapers as well, but Gro- Babys remain my favorite still...For daytime! I have also since began started using them on my twin 2 year olds as well.  My review will be based on small sizing and well as larger toddler sizing!

My First thoughts were:
  1. I love the Aplix... Super strong
  2. I love how easy these are to use, snap in and snap out the inserts!
  3. Super cute colors and patterns

The cute outside!

The inside
I am impressed by how easy the Gro-Baby All in 2 diaper is. It is my go to diaper!! I love the fact that you can just snap in the insert and go. You don't have to wash the whole diaper (if not soiled), just snap and go... Even my husband who prefers disposables will change the Gro-Baby diaper!! The colors and patterns available are really cute too. The Gro-Via version is very similar but has tuck in tabs for the aplix and the inserts are made with a waterproof fabric in the backing.(Which is very nice)

          The Gro-via inserts to me rinse off the poop easier then the Gro-Baby. I do think the Gro-Baby inserts are more absorbent. I have had only a few leaks, pee pee only though. My 5 month olds poop is always contained!! Yeay!! We even used them at naptime for the twins and no leaks!!

           The  Natural Baby Company makes the now branded Gro-Via diaper. As you can see in the above pic the diaper is a one size diaper... which fits both my 5 month old pictured at the top and my Twins which are 2 pictured below!!

The diaper comes in alpix (my preference) or Snap!!

Pictured below is the mandarin color which you will be recieving if you are the lucky winner!!!

I was lucky enough to get some of these @ the Gro-baby Seconds sale and I am passing on the luck to you... This is the Gro-Baby Shell set with soaker and booster!!

    And lastly a pic of the actual goods you could win!!
    The twins in their Gro-baby!!
  How to enter: (Please include your email address so I can contact you when you win!) You will have 48 hours to respond to the email before I choose another winner!!
  1.  Mandatory entry: You must be a public follower of this blog! (leave a comment that you are)

Extra entries: (Be sure to leave a new comment for each additional entry!)
  1. Follow us on facebook
  2. Blog about this entry and leave a link to your blog
  3. Post about this giveaway in your facebook status and leave a link to it.
  4. Comment on any other post on this blog (excluding giveaways) and tell what post you commented on.
  5. Tell us what your favorite GroVia diaper color Good luck everyone!!     

Ends August, Friday the 27th !!!
sorry for the  change, i will be out of town!

Baby legs BOGO

BOGO Free Baby Legs (via DealNews) "At, buy any pair of on-sale BabyLegs Best Friends Leg Warmers and get a second pair for free via coupon code "FRIEND". Free shipping. too. $10 minimum order. only on sale or friends leg warmers!

Click here: Baby Legs

My fav is the Jolly Jack!!

GroVia review

Check out the GroVia Article on Radar online

Click Here

Look out for my Grobaby Shell set giveaway this week!!!

Mommy Monday.. I was featured!!

Hi all,

i was the featured mommy for Mommy Monday over @ Cloth Diaper Addiction.
Check me out!!

Check it out!!

The Ergo- I love it!

             I moved up recently from the Baby Bjorn and Moby finally to a Ergo baby carrier. I love it! The fit is so nice and i love the fact that when Nico is older I can wear on my back too! First of all it is so comfortable to wear and I can even nurse in it!! I have toted the little man around for 2 hours in this sucker already and my back is not sore! The bottom buckle with support is very supportive. I am super excited to test this out at the Zoo later this month when we go on vacation. The Baby Bjorn is nice for smaller babies but Doesn't have any support for you. I would love to get the belt carrier to attach so i have a pocket for keys and cell phone as well. That would be my only compilant. I got the organic black ergo which doesn't have the pocket. I do however love the pattern and have gotten quite a few compliments on it already.
              So Ergo lovers i have joined you... I love it!! I am short and it fits great! So if you want a great carrier you may want to check this out!! I did get mine on, which is a fantastic daily deal site!

The Sunday Rant ~ Don't give your kid Gatorade

This is  "The Sunday Rant"

               OK, First off no that's not my kiddo. Second, Sunday rant is my day to blog and a random thing that drives me nuts. So, here it goes. I have seen many things in the realm of Costco and Walmart but what kills me the most is seeing kids drinking juice/ koolaid from their bottle. I saw a child around 3 years old drinking a flourescent colored drink from a bottle the other day at Costco. Why parents, why do you let your kids dictate what you give them? Yes, my kids want juice like its going out of style, but I don't give it to them..not full strength at least. If you want to know why your child is so hyper look at what you are giving them...
             My kids get juice diluted 75% most of the time. They always have a water cup in the house or car or where ever we are going. They are good water drinkers because i started them early. Juice is good for kids yes in moderation but it is loaded with sugar. Now gatorade is a different's not juice people! Gatorade is formulated to rehydrate a 250 lb male athlete, not give to your kids as a drink. If your kiddo is dehydrated get some pedialite or other child formulated drink. Did you know gatorade can actually give your little one worse diarhea. And in some cases heart palpatations. Also, can cause childhood obesity and diseases. Check out this article:  Click here
               Last rant... Quit letting your kid have soda...Yes soda and juice are ok on occasion but try giving water a chance. Don't be like my mother in law who say's "I don't like water... Can you get me my propel" She calls it water but it's NOT!!!
Have a great day everyone!!