The Great Pumpkin!! What to do with all that extra candy you don't want your kiddos to have?

      Ok, I know there are alot of us who do not want our kids to have all that candy after Halloween!! I sure don't and mine twins are only 2 1/2 but they know what candy is now and won't let up even a few days before Haloween. We have a couple buckets half full of candy from our adventure @ the retirement home trick or treating today and only more to come!
Here they are today all dressed up with their friend Lilly!!

Here we are again with baby brother..whose costume got spilled on,lol!

And here are the owl and pumpkin cupcakes we made... oh the sugar rushes!!

And as a teacher i can also attest to the hundreds of parents that send their kids to school with their Halloween candy the next day, oh joy to us teachers! So why do you ask am i talking about all this???

What are your options??

The Great Pumpkin...
So, I am not sure where my mom came up with this idea but, it worked. The great pumpkin came on Halloween night after we all went to sleep and he took our candy and brought us a suprise!!
We got to keep a few pieces of candy and the rest we gave to THE GREAT PUMPKIN!!
He left us a great suprise.. a book, or a toy, or ?? what ever you want!!

The point is you don't have to be the parent with a crazy sugar rush kid for a week after Halloween!! My house will have the great pumpkin and he is coming with a suprise!! Now, budget you ask??? My boys are happy with a Disney Car's toy or Toy story?? And yes, I got them 75%off and so i have not spent more then $5 forthese, if that and no sugar rush here!! A tradition for the kids to carry on later in life and fun too!

What do you think??


Lisa said...

Way to carry on the tradition sis! I think
Mom got the idea for the name from "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!!!" and the rest cause I was a maniac with any candy in me lol (no artificial colors - remember?)

Cass said...

I love the idea of the "Great Pumpkin"! I've also heard of the "Switch Witch". I think that it's a tradition we're definitely going to be trying once our son is old enough to trick or treat!!

Jennifer said...

We were only allowed a piece or two each day. Halloween candy lasted to nearly Easter!

Twins Crew said...

Cass, sorry for the super late reply, where have i been, I like the switch whitch too!! Cute!

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