
The 17 Day Diet- My journey

Check out the page I dedicated to the diet too! 17 day diet challenge


I feel great, I am down 2 lbs more today and I have been getting to the gym again. I took a week and a half break. I really like getting all my stress out at the gym. I tried working out at home but with little 3 year old twins listening to everything I do at nap time, They caught on and then would not nap. So, I take refuge at night or during preschool at the gym. They actually have childcare with my membership so that is great.  Nico is finally good with the people there too! even though the pics aren't great you can really see the difference in my face, it is slimmer and so is the baby belly.


I have been doing well but after being off for a few days I wanted to  jump start the  diet, I know you really aren't supposed to but after finally reading all of the book, I realize I need to get all the salt out and really be good about eating fresh foods.

I started the 17 Day Diet about 2 weeks ago! I have to say the first few days of no Carbs were tough but after I saw the weight come off I was happy. I was really excited to get the opportunity to review this book because you can not get it anywhere but online! And don't bother with ebay, they are charging 2 times as much as the acutal website! The book has  good recpies and so does the facebook site!

Dr. Moreno: Who is he?

"Dr. Michael Rafael Moreno, better known as “Dr. Mike,” is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine and Hahnemann Medical School (now Drexel University). Following his residency at Kaiser Permanente in Fontana, California, Dr. Mike moved to San Diego, where he now practices family medicine and sits on the board of the San Diego Chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

In 2008, Dr. Mike launched “Walk with Your Doc,” which he participates in every Tuesday and Thursday morning before his workday begins. The program began when Dr. Mike offered to walk with a patient to motivate her to exercise and has since grown into a thriving community.'
Taken from the 17 Day Diet website.

I really like it although I want my carbs still I am doing really well and will continue on the next cycle here soon. The book is great, written well and very clear!
More to come!


Samantha said...

My boss and I just started yesterday! It's been a little bit rough yesterday and today not having any carbs, but the food is great and so are the recipes! We're both very excited!

Anonymous said...

I started this diet 22 days ago. Lost 16 lbs so far, I am not having a hard time doing this at all. I usually gain weight on diets. I guess no carbs really helps. Cycle 2 we do eat more so I am worried. I am keeping the portions small. I just hope I keep loosing. Wish me luck.
Pauline Baita

Twins Crew said...

Thanks, I have lost 11 lbs and am thinking I may need to do the activate cycle over after this disneyland trip coming up. I will be doing my best to stay true to the diet though, but eating out you never know what they use preparing food.

Anonymous said...

I order the food and wondering if any body else has too. I guess Im worried that I won't be able to loose as much weight from ordering the food as I would cooking my own food. Help!!! Also, where do you get sugar free yogurt? do I have to go to a health food store to get it? Tina

Twins Crew said...

I have been goign with greek yogurt, Fage fat free unflavored. It have 13 grams of protien in a serving.
I flavor it with a truvia packet and vanilla or with sugarfree jam(strawberry) which I count as a fruit. I get a big tub at costco. I also like the chobani yogurt there as well it is flavored with fruit..I count that as a fruit serving as well. Sugar free yogurt from Yoplait is not bad either. I prefer the extra protien in the greek.

nellie said...

I have been on this diet for 54 days and lost 68 pounds. It is hard to stay disciplined but so worth the result. NOTHING ELSE I TRIED worked for me. I feel great lots of energy and feel my eating is very healthy now. I recommend this diet to anyone.

Anonymous said...

I feel so defeated. Over 70, short 4'9" weighing this morning 171 lbs. with NO moviation, no engery, and no will. Can not believe I let myself get so fat and inactive. Just starting to read your book, but does it help or work for us old folks who have already changed their eating habits

Twins Crew said...

yes, try it! You just have to be dilligent!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!
We are 3 collegues that wanted to get healthy again ad lose weight! We started the diet a monh ago. We are finishing our cyle two in two days. So far, one has lost 22 pounds, another 12 pounds and myself 17 pounds. We feel great, we motivate each other and exchange recipes and food ideas. I goota say, cycle 3 looks exciting but scarry at the same time. Our busy lives make it sometimes very difficult to hit the gym. But we remind each other every day that what is important is to succeed in the end. Sometimes, due to circomstances, the journey is longer than for others. PLUS if we would beat ourselves because we didn't go to the gym, we woud just be drop outs. We do our best and IT WORKS!

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