
Merry Fluffy Christmas Day 2!! Ends December 4th!

The event you have been waiting for is finally HERE!!

How A Merry Fluffy Christmas works:

Each of the 5 days of this event, there will be one post up on each blog. In each post, there will be one or more items to be won! Each day is ONE prize package, so there will only be ONE winner for each day for each blog. Each giveaway is open for 3 days.

You MUST do the Mandatory Entry to enter the giveaways! If you do not do the Mandatory Entry, all your other entries will be deleted.

Please remember to read ALL instructions on each blog. We are all a part of the Merry Fluffy Christmas event, but we are each doing different ways to enter. Please read ALL instructions or you might miss something and your entries will be deleted.

The Extra Entries are just that, extra and optional! You can, if you'd like, enter only the Mandatory Entry and call it a day. But entering ALL Extra Entries as well will provide you with a greater chance at winning! :)

And don't forget to visit ALL 19 BLOGS! You can find the Linky at the bottom of each giveaway post..

So the point...? Just make sure to read ALL the instructions on each blog before entering and get out there and HAVE FUN!!!

Day 2 SPONSORS on The Momccupation!!

The Goods!!! Plus Teething Bling sent to you!!

Bummis Super whisper wrap in NB size with a fuzbaby prefold and snappi!

$16 total!

Teething Bling Gift set $34

Sample of Rockin green

Baby legs $12

Planet wise small wet bag $10

Over $75 worth of prizes today!!!

This giveaway is open from Dec 2nd 12:01am EST - Dec 4th 11:59pm EST

How to enter:

Again, please read ALL instructions before entering! Also you MUST leave a valid email! If you win and have no email, I will have to choose a new winner. I must be able to get a hold of you.

Mandatory Entry:

You must do BOTH mandatory entries before completing ANY of the Extra Entries!

- You MUST follow Momccupation via Google Friend Connect (GFC)! and
- You MUST visit Teething Bling and tell me which gift pack is your favorite!

Please leave ONE comment with both mandatory entries and your email address.

Extra Entries:

Please leave one comment for each entry. So if I say there are 3 entries, please leave 3 different comments.

One comment each listed below!!
-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!
- Follow Momccupation on Facebook.
-Follow Teething Bling on Facebook.
-Follow Baby legs on Facebook!

- Follow any one of these on twitter and  leave your Twitter ID. One entry for each!

- Visit the Teething Bling website and tell me what other item you love!

- Subscribe to my emails (left side of blog) (2 entries)

- Tweet up to 2x per day: (1 entry per tweet)
{ @momccupation is having an awesome #MerryFluffyChristmas #giveaway!! Come check it out and enter to WIN! }

This giveaway is open from Dec 2nd 12:01am EST - Dec 4th 11:59pm EST

Happy winning!!

Go to more blogs to win!!!

***Open to US and Canada residents only. This giveaway will end on December 4th,2010 at 11:59 PST. will be used to determine the winner who will have 48 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen. Good Luck!***


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 470   Newer›   Newest»
Beth said...

I follow you on GFC (Beth)
I like the Cotton Candy Blue and Pearl Gift Set
jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

Beth said...

I also like the Spice Pendant
jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i follow you on gfc and like the onyx and bronze pack
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i get your emails 1
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i get your emails 2
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

fb fan of kiddieloot
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i am a fb fan of momcupation
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i am a fb fan of teething bling
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i am a fb fan of babylegs
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i follow you on twitter
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i follow teething bling on twitter
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said...

i follow babylegs on twitter
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Julie Kieras said...

I follow you with GFC and I like the Malachite/Green teething bling set!

Julie Kieras said...

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!

Julie Kieras said...

- Follow Momccupation on Facebook.

Jessica said...

I follow you via GFC and I like the Peridot and Pearl set.

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Teething Bling on Facebook.

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Baby legs on Facebook!

Jessica said...

I follow momccupation on twitter - jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

follow you on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Jessica said...

I follow teething bling on twitter - jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

follow babylegs on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Jessica said...

i follow babylegs on twitter - jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

follow Teething bling on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Jessica said...

I like the coordinating bangles.

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

Email Subscriber1

Julie Kieras said...

email subscriber2

Jessica said...

I subscribe via email #2

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said...

ha! I love the babe magnet ties on Teething Bling! :)

Anonymous said...

I follow you on GFC, and I like the brown snowflake and pearl gift set.
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow babylegs on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow teething bling on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow momccupation on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow kiddie loot on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I also like the smart mom tshirts from teething bling
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email #1
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email #2
akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

RaeO said...

I follow your blog with GFC. My favorite gift set is Peridot & Pearl.

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

RaeO said...

I follow Babylegs on FB (name is Ra Kat Obro)

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

RaeO said...

I also like the Vanilla Bean SCENTED necklace from Teething Bling!

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

Tannis said...

follower, I like the onyx and pearl gift set
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow momccupation on fb - tannis w
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow teething bling on fb - tannis w
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow babylegs on fb - tannis w
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow kiddie loot on fb - tannis w
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

I like teething blings bangles!
tannis_z at excite dot com

Courtney Fisk said...

I follow you on GFC and I love the
Peridot and Pearl Gift Set.

Courtney Fisk said...

Follow Momccupation on Twitter

Courtney Fisk said...

follow babylegs on twitter

Courtney Fisk said...

follow teething bling on twitter

Amber said...

I follow via GFC.

My favorite gift set is the Amethyst and Pearl Gift Set.

Amber said...

I follow kiddie loot on FB

Amber said...

I follow you on FB.

Amber said...

I follow teething bling on FB.

Amber said...

I follow BabyLegs on FB.

Amber said...

I follow you on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Dino Rock Mom said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect. My favorite is the Brown Snowflake and Pearl Gift Set.

dinorockmom at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I follow teething bling on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Amber said...

I follow babylegs on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Amber said...

I also like the Tanzanite Donut Shaped Pendant

Amber said...


Amber said...

I subscribe to your emails #1

Amber said...

I subscribe to your emails #2

Amy said...

I follow via GFC
My fave is the jade and brown set
amy at ohsosavvymom dot com

Jubilant Wife said...

blog follower!
amethyst and pearl gift set!

Amy said...

follow Kiddie loot on fb

Amy said...

follow momccupation on fb

Amy said...

follow teething bling on fb

Jubilant Wife said...

I also like the bronze pendant!

Amy said...

follow babylegs on fb
Amy F.T.

Jubilant Wife said...

E-mail subscriber!

Jubilant Wife said...

E-mail subscriber!

Amy said...

follow you on twitter

Amy said...

follow babylegs on twitter

Amy said...

follow teething bling on twitter

Jubilant Wife said...

Our family FB name is Daniel Forster.
I liked babylegs!

Amy said...

I also love the bronze and onyx set

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...


Laura said...

I'm a follower (Laura W) and I had a hard time choosing, but I like the Moonstone and Onyx gift set the best!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Follow babylegs on FB-Laura Wilson
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Follow Momcupation on FB-Laura Wilson
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Following Kiddie Loot on FB-Laura Wilson
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

I also love the onyx and pearl set from teething bling!
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Following momccupation on twitter-@LauraL444
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Following teething bling on on twitter-@LauraL444
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Following babylegs on twitter-@LauraL444
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Email subscriber! entry 1
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

Email subscriber! entry 2
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

jdeemarie said...

I follow your blog and like the Bronze and Onyx gift set the best.

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I follow TeethingBling on Twitter (@jdeemarie)

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I follow BabyLegs on Twitter (@jdeemarie)

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I think the Babe Magnet Ties are a great idea! Too bad my husband doesn't wear ties.

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I subscribe to your emails.

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I subscribe to your emails.

jdeemarie @

jdeemarie said...

I tweeted:

jdeemarie @

Jennifer Deck said...

i follow your blog via GFC and i like the pearl and onyx set

Jennifer Deck said...

i like kiddieloot on FB

Jennifer Deck said...

i like the momccupation on FB

Jennifer Deck said...

i like teething bling on FB

Jennifer Deck said...

i like babylegs on FB

Jennifer Deck said...

i follow the momccupation on twitter
twitter id: jennybunny82

Jennifer Deck said...

i follow the teething bling on twitter
twitter id: jennybunny82

Jennifer Deck said...

i follow babylegs on twitter
twitter id: jennybunny82

Jennifer Deck said...

i subscribe to your email

Jennifer Deck said...

i subscribe to your email

Alliejean said...

I follow you on GFC at Alliejean and I love the sky blue swirl pendant teether.

Alliejean said...

I follow kiddyloot on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley

Alliejean said...

I like momccupation on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley

Alliejean said...

I like teething bling on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley

Alliejean said...

I like baby legs on FB username RileyRoy AllieWiley

Alliejean said...

I follow @momccupation on twitter @alliejean125

Alliejean said...

I follow @babylegs on twitter @alliejean125

Alliejean said...

I follow @teethingbling on twitter @alliejean125

Alliejean said...

Tweeted it!/alliejean125/status/10421157010350080

soonercourtneyanne said...

i follow you on gfc as MrsF and like the onyx and bronze pack

clothcycle at yahoo dot com

soonercourtneyanne said...

i also like the jade & brown gift set

clothcycle at yahoo dot com

soonercourtneyanne said...

i like teething bling on FB

clothcycle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow and love the Pearl and Onyx Gift Set

soonercourtneyanne said...

i like babylegs on fb

clothcycle at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I Follow Momccupation on Facebook

Unknown said...

I Follow Teething Bling on Facebook

Unknown said...

I follow Baby legs on Facebook!

Unknown said...

I follow @momccupation on twitter @simmworksfamily

Lisa said...

follow via gfc
I LOVE the bronze and onyx gift set!
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow @teethingbling on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...

I follow @babylegs on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...

I also love the Moonstone Donut Shaped Pendant

Lisa said...

also like malachite donut shaped pendant
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com

Lisa said...

like you on FB
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...


Lisa said...

like Kiddie loot on FB
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com

Lisa said...

like teething bling in FB
lisa_pt2003 at yahoo dot com

MaFishie said...

follow via GFC

fav is brown snowflake and pearl

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

follow you on FB

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

like TB on FB

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

Like BL on FB

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

following you on twitter

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

folloing you TB on twitter

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...

following BL on twitter

caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...


caseyzanna at gmail dot com

MaFishie said...


caseyzanna at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

follow on GFC, pearl and onyx

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

also like turquoise and onyx

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

follow momccupation on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

follow teething bling on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

follow babylegs on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

GFC follower. I really like the Turquoise and Onyx Gift Set! Thanks for the chance.
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Kiddie Loot on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Momccupation on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Teething Bling on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Baby legs on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i love the onyx and pearl gift pack
i follow via gfc

mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...


bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Email susbcriber. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

I like Kiddie Loot on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Email susbcriber. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

I like Momccupation on Fb
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

I like teething bling on Fb
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following momccupation on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

I like baby legs on Fb
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following teethingbling on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following babylegs on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow momccupation on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow teething bling on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow baby legs on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i love the tween bling!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Kristina said...

I follow you and like the Peridot and Pearl Gift Set

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like kiddie look on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like momccupation on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like teething bling on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like baby legs on facebook

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

A. Kerr said...

Brown Snowflake and Pearl Gift Set

A. Kerr said...

babylegs facebook

Kristina said...

like the pink cupcake bangle from teething bling!

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Nikki said...

Pink Calcite and Cupcake Gift Set is my fav i follow on gfc

Nikki said...

i follow kiddie loot on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

I Follow Momccupation on Facebook.
nikki saull

Nikki said...

I Follow Teething Bling on Facebook.
nikki saull

Nikki said...

I Follow Baby legs on Facebook!
nikki saull

Nikki said...

i twitter babylegs

Anonymous said...

I follow on gfc(brandy nelson) and I like the amethyst and pearl set!

Anonymous said...

I like Kiddie Loot on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

I like you on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

I like teething bling on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

I like Baby Legs on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Tamara said...

I follow you and my fav. teething bling set is the pink cupcake and pearl set.
wazzuroo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I also like the onyx and pearl set!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber


Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber


Casey and Karen said...

Malachite and green set

karenfronk at gmail dot com

Hurley said...

i follow you via GFC.
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

my favoritegift pack on Teething bling is: the brown snowflake and pearl.
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

i also like the Vanilla Bean scented donut shaped pendant from Teething Bling.
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

i follow kiddie loot on facebook.
name: Kayla hurley Wetzel
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

i follow Momccupation on Facebook.
Name: Kayla Hurley Wetzel
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

i follow teething bling on Facebook.
name: Kayla Hurley Wetzel
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

Hurley said...

i follow babylegs on Facebook.
name: Kayla hurley Wetzel
roxystargirl721 at yahoo dot com

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