
Merry Fluffy Christmas Day 3!! Ends Dec 5th! Closed

The event you have been waiting for is finally HERE!!

How A Merry Fluffy Christmas works:

Each of the 5 days of this event, there will be one post up on each blog. In each post, there will be one or more items to be won! Each day is ONE prize package, so there will only be ONE winner for each day for each blog. Each giveaway is open for 3 days.

You MUST do the Mandatory Entry to enter the giveaways! If you do not do the Mandatory Entry, all your other entries will be deleted.

Please remember to read ALL instructions on each blog. We are all a part of the Merry Fluffy Christmas event, but we are each doing different ways to enter. Please read ALL instructions or you might miss something and your entries will be deleted.

The Extra Entries are just that, extra and optional! You can, if you'd like, enter only the Mandatory Entry and call it a day. But entering ALL Extra Entries as well will provide you with a greater chance at winning! :)

And don't forget to visit ALL 19 BLOGS! You can find the Linky at the bottom of each giveaway post..

So the point...? Just make sure to read ALL the instructions on each blog before entering and get out there and HAVE FUN!!!

Day 3 SPONSORS on The Momccupation!!

 Bummis Super brite small cover with Osocozy Indian cotton prefold and snappi!
Thirsties Fab Doublers (3)

Sample of Rockin green

Baby legs $12
The Mo Mo blankie $15

Over $50 worth of prizes today only!!!

This giveaway is open from Dec 3rd 12:01am EST - Dec 5th 11:59pm EST

How to enter:

Again, please read ALL instructions before entering! Also you MUST leave a valid email! If you win and have no email, I will have to choose a new winner. I must be able to get a hold of you.

Mandatory Entry:

You must do the mandatory entries before completing ANY of the Extra Entries!

- You MUST follow Momccupation via Google Friend Connect (GFC)!

Please leave ONE comment with both mandatory entries and your email address.

Extra Entries:

Please leave one comment for each entry. So if I say there are 3 entries, please leave 3 different comments.

One comment each listed below!!
-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!
- Follow Momccupation on Facebook!
-Follow Woombie on Facebook
-Follow Baby legs on Facebook!
Follow Rockin Green on Facebook

- Follow any one of these on twitter and  leave your Twitter ID. One entry for each!

- Subscribe to my emails (left side of blog) (2 entries)

- Tweet up to 1x per day: (1 entry per tweet)
{ @momccupation is having an awesome #MerryFluffyChristmas #giveaway!! Come check it out and enter to WIN! }

This giveaway is open from Dec 3rd 12:01am EST - Dec 5th 11:59pm EST

Happy winning!!

Go to more blogs to win!!!

***Open to US and Canada residents only. This giveaway will end on December 5th, 2010 at 11:59 PST. will be used to determine the winner who will have 48 hours to respond to my email before another winner is chosen. Good Luck!***


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orangefukurou said...

follow your blog
great giveaway
tomokofive AT gmail DOT com

orangefukurou said...

follow BabyLegs on twitter

orangefukurou said...

follow Rockin Green on twitter

orangefukurou said...


orangefukurou said...

follow you on twitter

Anonymous said...

I follow on gfc
brandy nelson

Anonymous said...

i like kiddie loot on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

i like you on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

i like woombie on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

i like rockin green on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

i like baby legs on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

i am a subscriber


Anonymous said...

i am a subscriber


Michelle said...

I follow you GFC as Sticemichelle
Having some great stuff on your Fluffy Christmas giveaways

Michelle said...

I follow Kiddie Loot on facebook

Michelle said...

I follow Momccupation on facebook

Michelle said...

I follow Woombie on facebook

Michelle said...

I follow BabyLegs on facebook

Michelle said...

I follow Rockin Green on facebook

Michelle said...

I follow Momccupation on twitter @Sticemichelle

Michelle said...

I follow Woombieswaddler on twitter @Sticemichelle

Michelle said...

I follow BabyLegs on twitter @Sticemichelle

Michelle said...

I follow Rockingreensoap on twitter @Sticemichelle

Michelle said...

I subscribe to you by email #1

Michelle said...

I subscribe to you by email #2

Michelle said...


Lindsey said...

I follow your blog via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I like Kiddie Loot on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I like Momccupation on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I like Woombie on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I like BabyLegs on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I like Rockin' Green on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I follow you on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I follow BabyLegs on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I follow Rockin Green on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I get your emails. 1
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

I get your emails. 2
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said...

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

i follow on gfc freexnikkixsprit@ yahoo . com

Nikki said...

i follow kiddie loot on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

i follow you on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

i follow woombie on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

i follow RnG on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

i follow babylegs on fb nikki saull

Nikki said...

i follow you on twitter freexspirit

Nikki said...

i follow woombie on twitter freexspirit

Nikki said...

i follow babylegs on twitter freexspirit
freexnikkixspirit@ yahoo . com

Nikki said...

i follow RnG on twitter freexspirit

orangefukurou said...

tomokofive at gmail dot com

Jenni said...

I follow you on GFC.

Jenni said...

I follow Momccupation on FB under Jennifer Pabor Arney.

Jenni said...

I follow Rocking Green on FB under Jennifer Pabor Arney.

Jenni said...

I follow baby legs on FB under Jennifer Pabor Arney.

~Stacy~ said...

I follow you gfc, love this event
slvidrine at yahoo dot com

~Stacy~ said...

I follow you on fb
stacy allen vidrine
slvidrine at yahoo dot com

~Stacy~ said...

I follow baby legs on fb
stacy allen vidrine
slvidrine at yahoo dot com

~Stacy~ said...

I follow rockin green on fb
stacy allen vidrine
slvidrine at yahoo dot com

Shelby said...

I follow you through GFC. Thanks for the giveaway. macleishshelby at gmail dot com

Shelby said...

I follow babylegs on facebook.

macleishshelby at gmail dot com


Kristina said...

follow with gfc

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like kiddieloot on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like you on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

I like baby legs on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

i like rng on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Kristina said...

like woombie on fb

kristina at thecoffeycan dot com

Unknown said...

I follow :)

simmworksfamily (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!

Unknown said...

- Follow Momccupation on Facebook!

Unknown said...

-Follow Woombie on Facebook

Unknown said...

-Follow Baby legs on Facebook!

Unknown said...

Follow Rockin Green on Facebook

Unknown said...

I follow @momccupation on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...

I follow @woombieswaddler on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...

I follow @babylegs on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...

I follow @rockingreensoap on twitter @simmworksfamily

Unknown said...


Jessica said...

I follow you on GFC.

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

i follow momccupation on twitter - @jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow babylegs on twitter - @jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow woombiswaddler on twitter - @jessharris79

jessharris79 at gmail dot com

RaeO said...

I follow your blog via GFC

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

RaeO said...

I am a fan of you on facebook (my name is Ra Kat Obro)

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

RaeO said...

I am a fan of Babylegs on facebook (name is Ra Kat Obro)

rookem123 at yahoo dot com

Cara said...

follow your blog :)

Cara said...

I subscribe to your email

Cara said...

i subscribe to your emails #2

Anonymous said...

I follow via gfc

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Kiddie Loot on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like momccupation on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Woombie on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like rockin green on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like babylegs on facebook.
Amanda Schwoch, username is aschwoch

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email #1

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email #2

akastelic85 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

I follow with GFC


April Naiman said...

Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!

April Adams Naiman

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I follow via GFC

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

Follow Momccupation on Facebook!

April Adams Naiman

April Naiman said...

Follow Woombie on Facebook

April Adams Naiman

April Naiman said...

Follow Baby legs on Facebook!
April Adams Naiman

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like you on FB!

Kara Figueroa

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

Follow Rockin Green on Facebook
April Adams Naiman

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like woombie on FB!

Kara Figueroa

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like baby legs on FB!

Kara Figueroa

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like Rockin' Green on FB!

Kara Figueroa

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like @momccupation on Twitter!

Twitter ID @smiledoula

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

I follow momccupation on Twitter

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like @woombieswaddler on Twitter!

Twitter ID @smiledoula

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

I follow woombie swaddler on twitter

April Naiman said...

I follow babylegs on twitter

Anonymous said...

GFC kmackenzie83 at msn dot com

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like @babylegs on Twitter!

Twitter ID @smiledoula

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

April Naiman said...

I follow Rockin green soap on twitter

Anonymous said...

follow you on FB kmackenzie83 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

kmackenzie83 at msn dot com
follow rockin green on FB

Anonymous said...

follow baby legs on FB

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I like @rockingreensoap on Twitter!

Twitter ID @smiledoula

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I subscribe via email to your blog.

kfig143 at yahoo dot com


Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

I subscribe via email to your blog.

kfig143 at yahoo dot com


Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

Daily Tweet:!/smiledoula/status/10759607559393280

kfig143 at yahoo dot com

Tannis said...

follow your blog
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow kiddieloot on fb
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow momccupation on fb
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow woombie on fb
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow babylegs on fb
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

follow rockin green on fb
tannis_z at excite dot com

Tannis said...

subscribe to your emails
tannis_z at excite dot com

A. Kerr said...

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow you via GFC.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow you on Facebook.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow BL on facebook.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I follow Rockin Green on Facebook
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Cali said...

i follow you via gfc

4allibaby at gmail dot com

Cali said...

I like baby legs on FB

Cassie m

4allibaby at gmail dot com

Cali said...

I like rockin green on fb

Cassie m

4allibaby at gmail dot com

Cali said...

I like kiddie loot on fb

Cassie M

4allibaby at gmail dot com

Cali said...

I like woombie on fb

cassie M

4allibaby at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

follow Momccupation via GFC! (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I follow via GFC.

amber8880 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Following Kiddie Loot on Facebook (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Following Momccupation on Facebook (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I follow Momccupation on Facebook

Amber said...

I follow Woombie on Facebook

Amber said...

I follow Baby legs on Facebook

Amber said...

I follow Rockin Green on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Following Woombie on Facebook (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I follow momccupation on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Amber said...

I follow woombieswaddler on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Amber said...

I follow babylegs on twitter (Amber Mul...)

Anonymous said...

Follow Baby legs on Facebook (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I subscribe to emails

Amber said...

I subscribe to emails #2

Anonymous said...

Follow Rockin Green on Facebook (Rene Gwartney)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Beth said...

Follower on gfc
bfcourage at yahoo dot com

Amber said...


Beth said...

I like baby legs on facebook
bfcourage at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

following momccupation on Twitter (clmommy0810)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

following woombieswaddler on Twitter (clmommy0810)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

following babylegs on Twitter (clmommy0810)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

following rockingreensoap on Twitter (clmommy0810)

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to your emails #1

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to your emails #2

clmommy0810 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Laura & Justin said...

I follow you via GFC! laura.adcock at yahoo dot com

Laura & Justin said...

I follow BL on FB. laura.adcock at yahoo dot com

Catherine said...

follow via GFC

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

like babylegs on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

like Rockin' Green on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

like Momccupation on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

like Kiddie Loot on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

like Woombie on FB

catherine dot engle at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow via gfc
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow KL on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow momccupation on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow woombie on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow BL on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow RG on FB
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow momccupation on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow woombie on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow BL on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

i follow RG on twitter
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said...

mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Jubilant Wife said...

email subscriber!

Julie Kieras said...

GFC follower

Julie Kieras said...

Email subscriber!

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Kiddie Loot on Facebook!!

Julie Kieras said...

- Follow Momccupation on Facebook!

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Woombie on Facebook

Julie Kieras said...

-Follow Baby legs on Facebook!

Julie Kieras said...

Follow Rockin Green on Facebook

Julie Kieras said...

momccupation on Twitter - @ayearwithmomdad

Julie Kieras said...

rockingreensoap on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Julie Kieras said...

babylegs on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Julie Kieras said...

woombieswaddler on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Julie Kieras said...

Emily B said...

I Follow Rockin Green on Facebook (Emily B.)
ebickell at hotmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

GFC follower. Thanks for the chance!
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Rockin Green on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said...

Following Kiddie Loot on Facebook: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

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