So, with this first post is my story:
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Gabirel and Reese 3/2008 |
I really really really wanted to breast feed my beautiful twin boys. I had a lot of trouble in the beginning and with preemies it was difficult. The boys were our first and it was so stressful after a c-section and one being in the NICU that I was extremely discouraged. The boys did not latch on well and trying to feed 2 at a time was rough. The Dr. soon recommended supplementing them and being a new mom I was too tired, and scared to tell the nurses and Dr ... NO!
SO with that I was discharged and my Dr did not have any support for me on breastfeeding. I was disappointed and did not produce enough milk to keep up with their hungry appetites. I pumped for 6 weeks, totally exhausted and finally I quit. I was sick of listening to super screaming in my ears while I tried to nurse them and I was beyond stressed. I know at least they got the good stuff for a little bit but I was disappointed myself as well. * I do have to say I had a breast reduction 5 years before they were born for back pain, so I know that was a issue as well.
March 2010
When I found out I was pregnant again, I was determined to get it right! I did my research and lots of searching and reading. I found out what supplements to take and I had all the teas, you know the drill. When Nico was born, he was rushed off to the NICU becasue of fluid in his lungs, his bilirubin was high and they thought he was getting pneumonia. Oh my god, here I was all prepared for my full term 8lbs, 2 oz. baby and he was in the NICU. I was so fursterated because the nurses would not let me see my son until 8 hours later. And as many of you know that is crucial in breastfeeding. Those first few hours are precious and here I was stuck after another C-section waiting for info from my husband. I forced him to go down every 3 hours to feed him until I could feed him.
At 2 AM I was finally able to go see him. The nurse woke me up and My hubby wheeled me down to see him. He was so little. Even though the twins were littler, he looked so tiny in that box. So, at first try he latched on adn was off and running. After a few days I was raw and about to cry everytime he latched on. On the 4th day I had a different Lactation consultant help me and we did much better from there. ALthough I had issuse with lack of milk production. I spoke with my new Dr. The Best perinatologist in the world, Dr. Wilkes, if you live in Vegas, he's AWESOME!!
He gave me the number for the lactation consultant at his office and she told me to have someone stop by and she had a nursing pillow for me to use and a supplement to try. Until then I was nursing with a boppy and it sagged, gave me no support, ugh, I hated it. Rose Marie gave me a My Brest Friend to use for as long as I wanted and a supplement called Goat's Rue.
We will get into how great it worked later!!! I used it the entire time I breast fed.
It was more of a struggle to keep my milk supply up the getting Nico to nurse, and he did all the time! The My Brest Friend pillow was so great it helped give Nico a better place to feed and helped support my back.I was a much happier Mama once he came home after being in the NICU for 6 days. I did have to up my water intake sooooo much, I drank 2-3 gallons of watwer a day to help with the BFing. I had oatmeal, Malt drinks, all the tea you could drink. The goat's rue was the best supplement I found! It worked so great. I did double and triple my milk supply while taking this and drinking lots of water.
The cracked ouchy Nipples did heal after a while and I had a great nursing cover for when I went anywhere.
I had more of a horrible time with the horrendous Heartburn I was still having despite giving birth. It never went away. No one could figure out what was wrong and then 2 week after Nico was born, it started getting even worse. So painful I was crying throwing up anything I ate or drank after breakfast. I called the OB crying finally to tell them what was going on, they recommended a Gastroenterologist, saw him, he couldn't find a thing.
I called a couple days later in more pain, unable to breastfeed because I was in so much pain. The nurse said "just go to the emergency room". So I called my hubby and he took came home and took me in. I called a few favors in and the neighbor came over and watched the twins and we took Nico with. 2 weeks after my C-Section and here I was in the hospital again. They immediatly knew what it was... I had Gallstones!! It is very commom in pregnancy and extremely painful. I had sugery the next day, and had to have a different neighbor watch the boys again. We don't have any family nearby., which made things hard.
Once my gallbladder was removed everything was smooth sailing for me in the breastfeeding department and I breastfed Nico until a few days ago which took me to 11 months!! He weaned himself, boo hoo, but good for him. So you can do it! If I can, then so can you!!
With fake boobs, little boobs, reduced boobs, or anything else you can do it!! Stay tuned for a supplement article later in the week!!
So here they are now, almost 3 and almost 1 in March. Aren't they cute little boys...Stinkers!
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