Use your Boobs! Lacta Drops Recipe

By ShannonD

Shannon posted this on facebook and I had to share, this was one of the few I could find. Other places like cost a pretty penny! Thanks, Shannon

4tbs Margarine (Earth balance or Becel Vegan or Becel olive oil is best options)

1Tbs oil (light olive oil, hazelnut oil, coconut oil, etc. -your choice)

1/4c brown sugar

1/4c white sugar

1 large egg lightly beaten

1 Tbs milk substitute such as almond milk, hemp milk, oat milk, - this is optional for a slightly softer cookie

1/2 c flour

1/2tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/8tsp of ground cloves-optional

1C Rolled oats

1/2C Steel cut oats

1/2C Trail mix or granola of your choice

2 generous Tbs *Hemp hearts/seeds (shelled) or flax

2-3 Tbs Brewers Yeast

1.Lightly Grease cookie Sheet, set oven at 350C

2.Cream the margarine and sugar in large mixing brown until light and fluffy.

3. Gradually add beaten egg, beating well (or mixing on high) after each addition.

Add the Oil, Mix. Add the Milk substitute if you choose,Mix.

4.Add the flour salt brewers yeast and baking powder in to the creamed mixture. Mix together gently. Add the Rolled oats, Mix. Add the steal cut oats and trail mix/granola. Mix together thoroughly. Batter will be thick.

5.Spoon them on to the cookie sheets. (Makes about a dozen).

6.Bake at 350C for 14-15min

7. Let cookies cool slightly before removing or they will break :)

8.Store in air-tight container.


I subbed hemp hearts/seeds in place of flax because it contains the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of both the required essential fatty acids 3 and 6. Also Flax is not supposed to be heated over 120F because it releases free radicals. Hemp also provides protein.

I added trail mix for the extra fats and proteins from the nuts, and its a nice taste with some dried fruits and chocolate chips that many mixes contain (dark chocolate is best).

I Added in Steel cut... well you know why :) Enjoy

Hope you try this recipe out, Hemp seeds can be found at Trader Joes or Whole foods and other organic markets.


Tina Deanette Gower said...


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