
The Gro-Baby Review and Give Away *ends Friday the 27th*

Giveaway Closed!!
Here is my little Nico in his Gro-Baby All in 2 Blue Bird Diaper. This will be my first review and Giveaway!! I am so excited to be able to do this!! I have been cloth diapering for about 4 months, I started in Gro-baby diapers with Nico @ 1 Month old. I have since branched off into other diapers as well, but Gro- Babys remain my favorite still...For daytime! I have also since began started using them on my twin 2 year olds as well.  My review will be based on small sizing and well as larger toddler sizing!

My First thoughts were:
  1. I love the Aplix... Super strong
  2. I love how easy these are to use, snap in and snap out the inserts!
  3. Super cute colors and patterns

The cute outside!

The inside
I am impressed by how easy the Gro-Baby All in 2 diaper is. It is my go to diaper!! I love the fact that you can just snap in the insert and go. You don't have to wash the whole diaper (if not soiled), just snap and go... Even my husband who prefers disposables will change the Gro-Baby diaper!! The colors and patterns available are really cute too. The Gro-Via version is very similar but has tuck in tabs for the aplix and the inserts are made with a waterproof fabric in the backing.(Which is very nice)

          The Gro-via inserts to me rinse off the poop easier then the Gro-Baby. I do think the Gro-Baby inserts are more absorbent. I have had only a few leaks, pee pee only though. My 5 month olds poop is always contained!! Yeay!! We even used them at naptime for the twins and no leaks!!

           The  Natural Baby Company makes the now branded Gro-Via diaper. As you can see in the above pic the diaper is a one size diaper... which fits both my 5 month old pictured at the top and my Twins which are 2 pictured below!!

The diaper comes in alpix (my preference) or Snap!!

Pictured below is the mandarin color which you will be recieving if you are the lucky winner!!!

I was lucky enough to get some of these @ the Gro-baby Seconds sale and I am passing on the luck to you... This is the Gro-Baby Shell set with soaker and booster!!

    And lastly a pic of the actual goods you could win!!
    The twins in their Gro-baby!!
  How to enter: (Please include your email address so I can contact you when you win!) You will have 48 hours to respond to the email before I choose another winner!!
  1.  Mandatory entry: You must be a public follower of this blog! (leave a comment that you are)

Extra entries: (Be sure to leave a new comment for each additional entry!)
  1. Follow us on facebook
  2. Blog about this entry and leave a link to your blog
  3. Post about this giveaway in your facebook status and leave a link to it.
  4. Comment on any other post on this blog (excluding giveaways) and tell what post you commented on.
  5. Tell us what your favorite GroVia diaper color Good luck everyone!!     

Ends August, Friday the 27th !!!
sorry for the  change, i will be out of town!


Twins Crew said...
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Kristina said...

im following!

Kristina said...

i follow on facebook!


Kristina said...

shared on facebook


Kristina said...

i commented on the woombi!


Kristina said...

i love the blue bird but want to get the blue stripped one!


poppifields said...

I follow publicly via GFC and networked blogs

poppifields said...

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poppifields said...

I posted on fb

poppifields said...

I commented on friday faveorite websites!

poppifields said...

I like all the colors lol! But the Sunset stripe is very original in color and the blackberry is a very masculine, kingly, royal purple... me likey!

Renee Simmons said...

Following on network blogs, I don't see google friend connect, if so it is a error section above network blogs!

Renee Simmons said...

Following you on facebook!

Robyn Lucas said...

I follow your blog!

Robyn Lucas said...

I posted about this giveaway in my status on FB!!/?ref=home

Robyn Lucas said...

I think my favorite Gro-via diaper color is blackberry, but I haven't laid eyes on the pattern fabric yet! :)

Wendy McCullough said...

Following you with google friend connect

frugalhomeschooler @

Wendy McCullough said...

Following you on fb

frugalhomeschooler @

Wendy McCullough said...

I like the Sunset Stripe. The girly diapers are cute too, but no girls here! :)

frugalhomeschooler @

JIll said...

I am now following your blog

JIll said...

I like the blue bird

JIll said...

I am following you on FB

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Blog follower via GFC.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Facebook follower.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

Posted about this givewaway on facebook.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said...

I love the Blackberry color. Not many diaper companies do purple!
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I follow your blog

Stephanie said...

My favorite color is blue birds!

Stephanie said...

'i follow you on FB as Stephanie Piantedosi

Amy B. said...

I am a public follower!

jwbkam @ gmail . com

Amy B. said...

I follow you on facebook!

jwbkam @ gmail . com

Amy B. said...

I posted the link on my facebook!

Amy McElhaney Butler

jwbkam @ gmail . com

Amy B. said...

I commented on "I gave my baby solid food for the first time today!" post!

(we're looking forward to taking those pictures too!)

jwbkam @ gmail . com

Amy B. said...

I love the blue stripe GroVia!

jwbkam @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC as Abbie Neary
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

I like you on FB as Abbie Neary
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Mandarin Colour
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

I commented on "It's cleaning day"
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

Jen and Andy said...

I follow your blog
scaggsfamily AT gmail DOT com

Jen and Andy said...

I like you on Facebook
scaggsfamily AT gmail DOT com

Jen and Andy said...

My favorite color is Blackberry
scaggsfamily AT gmail DOT com

Jen and Andy said...

I commented on the "My baby had solids" post

Jen and Andy said...

Blog post
scaggsfamily AT gmail DOT com

CuddlesAndCamo said...

I'm a new follower.

brinkels at live dot com

CuddlesAndCamo said...

My favorite color is the Mandarin because it's our football team's color and Colton would look so cute in it!

Melanie Rogers said...

I follow your blog

Melanie Rogers said...

I love the blackberry color. :)

Diaper Dad said...

Following your blog on GFC!

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said...

"Like" you on FB!
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said...

Mandarin is my fav color for Grovia products.

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

I follow you on facebook and google and more!! and l love all of them!!

Lisa said...

Nico's so cute in his grobaby!!

Liz said...

I'm a follower.

Liz said...

I like cloth ice.

Nathaniel said...

I follow your blog! -Joy (Nathaniel is my hubby...) joymcox at hotmail dot com

Nathaniel said...

I follow you on facebook too! -Joy (joymcox at hotmail dot com)

Nathaniel said...

I posted about the giveaway in my fb status and posted a link! -Joy (joymcox at hotmail dot com)

Nathaniel said...

I posted a comment under "Where are we going in the economy today?" - hopefully not much farther! -Joy (joymcox at hotmail dot com)

Nathaniel said...

I love both the Wildflowers (esp. since I now know #3 is a girl!) and Blue bird! -Joy (joymcox at hotmail dot com)

Diaper Dad said...

Posted a comment on FREE Printable Alphabet Flashcards.
(am also downloading the pdf) :)

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Bao said...

I follow your blog! @ gmail

Bao said...

I follow you on FB (Bao N.) @ gmail

Bao said...

Posted about your giveaway here (since I don't have a personal blog...I share one with my family; but I figured this forum gets much more traffic than my family blog!):

Bao said...

Posted on FB:

Bao said...

Commented on your Woombie review. @ gmail

Bao said...

The blackberry shell color is my favorite! @ gmail

mrsivyadams said...

I am a follower of The Momccupation blog!

mrsivyadams said...

I follow The Momccuaption on Facebook!

mrsivyadams said...

I have posted this giveaway on my Facebook page!

mrsivyadams said...

I am in love with the Seaside Stripe design :)

mrsivyadams said...

This giveaway has been blogged!

mrsivyadams said...

I have tweeted this also! I can't help it, this is fun!!! :)

mojoraven said...

I am a public follower of your blog.

mojoraven said...

I follow Momccupation on Facebook. hlambos at cox dot net

mojoraven said...

I posted about the giveaway on my FB page, and left a link. hlambos at cox dot net

mojoraven said...

I commented on the "Making baby food - How to start??? Part one" post. hlambos at cox dot net

mojoraven said...

I blogged the giveaway.

hlambos AT cox DOT net

mojoraven said...

Ooh, I have to say I love the Mandarin one since my favorite color is orange.
hlambos AT cox DOT net

Aubrie Williams said...

I follow

Aubrie Williams said...

I follow on FB

Aubrie Williams said...

I've always just liked plain old white diapers.

Maia G said...

I follow via GFC
mk_mitchell90 at

Maia G said...

My favorite GroVia color is bluebird
mk_mitchell90 at

Nichole Churches said...

I follow your blog! I would love to win the GROVIA Shell Set in a boy color.

Red said...

I follow your blog.

jaimi.grether at gmail dot com

Red said...

i follow on FB.

jaimi.grether at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow your blog
jasbowman86 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like the blue striped one!
jasbowman86 at gmail dot com

A Lady at 30 said...

Hi there! Just became a follower with GFC!! Look forward to reading more on your blog =)
Thanks for the chance at this giveaway!!!
teoett at gmail dot com

A Lady at 30 said...

I like you on FaceBook =)
teoett at gmail dot com

A Lady at 30 said...

I LOVE the Sunset Stripe!!! TOO CUTE!!!!!
teoett at gmail dot com

julie said...

I tried several times to follow your blog, but Google friend connect is not working for me for some reason:( I'll come back tomorrow and try to follow again...So happy to have found your blog! Cute kiddos:)

julie said...

I like you on Facebook!

julie.a.kershner at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I am a public follower of this blog via GFC :)
SHull2319 at gmail dot com

julie said...

My favorite GroVia color is the Mandarin; I really go for the bright colors:)

Sarah Hull said...

My favorite Gro Via color is Kiwi!
SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Public follower of your blog.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Follow you on facebook.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Commented on "My Baby Had Solid Food for the First Time Today!" post.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com

Heidi said...

Favorite color is blackberry.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I am a public follower of your blog.

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I follow momccupation on FB.

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I left a notice on FB about this giveaway...!/profile.php?id=605924950

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

i love the kiwi color of grovia.

♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...

I Commented on the fuzzi bunz cloth diaper giveaway at welborn baby.

Sarah Schulz said...

I am a public follower of this blog.

Sarah Schulz said...

I follow you on Facebook.

Sarah Schulz said...

I blogged about this!

Sarah Schulz said...

Favorite GroVia diaper color: blue stripes!!

Mummy Kim said...

follow via gfc
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

Mummy Kim said...

i love the sunset stripes and the orange
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com