
The Sunday Rant ~ Don't give your kid Gatorade

This is  "The Sunday Rant"

               OK, First off no that's not my kiddo. Second, Sunday rant is my day to blog and a random thing that drives me nuts. So, here it goes. I have seen many things in the realm of Costco and Walmart but what kills me the most is seeing kids drinking juice/ koolaid from their bottle. I saw a child around 3 years old drinking a flourescent colored drink from a bottle the other day at Costco. Why parents, why do you let your kids dictate what you give them? Yes, my kids want juice like its going out of style, but I don't give it to them..not full strength at least. If you want to know why your child is so hyper look at what you are giving them...
             My kids get juice diluted 75% most of the time. They always have a water cup in the house or car or where ever we are going. They are good water drinkers because i started them early. Juice is good for kids yes in moderation but it is loaded with sugar. Now gatorade is a different's not juice people! Gatorade is formulated to rehydrate a 250 lb male athlete, not give to your kids as a drink. If your kiddo is dehydrated get some pedialite or other child formulated drink. Did you know gatorade can actually give your little one worse diarhea. And in some cases heart palpatations. Also, can cause childhood obesity and diseases. Check out this article:  Click here
               Last rant... Quit letting your kid have soda...Yes soda and juice are ok on occasion but try giving water a chance. Don't be like my mother in law who say's "I don't like water... Can you get me my propel" She calls it water but it's NOT!!!
Have a great day everyone!!


Lisa said...

Seriously - the other day i saw a lady laughing and thinking it was soooo cute to give her baby soda at walmart - i wish i could call cps on that - poor morbidly obese babies - not thier fault - so sad

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