
My baby had solid food for the first time today!

Ok, So i meant to post this 2 days ago but...time and babies got the best of me. I can't believe my little man is starting rice cereal. Where did the time go?? He's only 5 months old but he has been watching me eat like a hawk and opening the little bird mouth,lol. So I knew it was time. He did so good!! So from this I will be starting a series on making your own baby food !! I did it with the twins and it saved me so much money!! AS well as being better for them and tastier!! I mean who wants to eat peas that are olive green or peas that are bright green and smell so good!!! SO starting next week, baby food from the begining. What to start with, which sites have good info and where to go from there. Also what i use to make it and why it's so easy and better for your baby!!


Amy B. said...

we're looking forward to giving Emily-Marie an avacado for her first food! too bad it's several months away!

Kristina said...

i, lokking forword to this! i've been trying to decide if i wanted to make food or not!

Twins Crew said...

Great!! I will be posting this first in the series tomorrow!! It's easy and so much better for them!

Jen and Andy said...

You should look into baby led solids too! It's so much easier that making pureed baby food, and good for babies' development.

Heidi said...

Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up? My daughter is 10 months old now. I make her baby food. She's eating like crazy!

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